Business Coaching

Michael Almaraz, Master Hypnotherapist and NLP coach
A business coach will assist and guide the business owner in running a business by helping them clarify the vision of their business and how it fits in with their personal and financial goals.
Michael and his team will help you build actionable plans. High-performance business owners employ coaches to help take their business from where it is now to where the business owner wants to be.
What our Program will do for you as a business owner and entrepreneur:
After clarifying your goals Michael will help you plan and prioritize the steps necessary to make your dream as a successful entrepreneur and business owner a reality. Michael or one of his master trainers will meet with you and your team to keep them on track and ensure that commitments are completed once every quarter. .
Coaching creates what some business owners lack; accountability. Many small businesses credit their success to business coaching. Great business coaching is a relationship that will help take your company to the next level to endure you have the resources and full potential to take your business to the next level, Michael will meet with you once a month via online video calls that will be approximately sixty Minuets..
Whether you’re a local business owner or the CEO of a global company the benefits of business coaching cannot be overstated. Running a business can be a solitary pursuit, there for once a year we will host a break out master mind weekend at one of our beautiful southern California resort property.
Most business owners are looking to scale their business but simply don’t have the resources. You can have all of the capital but without expertise and an understanding of the psychology of how business and people operate it’s impossible to grow. We will help you understand all of this as well as put it motion.
Business with Neuro Linguistic modification coaching?
Coaching with NLP is behavior modification to make you act upon your ideas of success. NLP coaching stimulates the mental, physical, and emotional connections you may have created in your nervous system. Remember, success and failure are both created in our neurology. To change this neurological state of mind hypnotherapy will be used in conjunction with Neuro Linguistic Programming. Through this, the client will experience an increase in security to go ahead and move trough their lives with success. This type of coaching will help the client self-reflect and prioritize values that will lead them to the top.
- Assessing the problematic roadblocks you may have created
- Putting you in the correct road to success.
- Establish the values you will need to meet your desires.
- Clearly defining and aiming at your future goals.
- Unconsciously set a schedule to achieve what you want.
- Stabilize your mental security to focus and reach your dreams.

With the points that are mentioned above you can see that it this type of coaching will prepare you for any type of situation that life may throw your way. It will help with finally deciding on what you want out of life, this coaching will prepare you for anything. It will even mentally prepare you to be a successful business owner during economic downturns by primarily selecting powerful and successful values. Mr. Almaraz, with the use of NLP will help you to see the world in a more stimulating and motivated perspective. Trough trance states Mr. Almaraz will set a seed of mental preparations that will continually grow as the sessions progress. Through this you will take note of how endless your potential will become and be on the road to every dream you’ve had.
Mr. Almaraz is certified by the International Hypnosis Federation as well as the American Board, to provide such services.
Your program will be done in a therapeutic setting either in our Long Beach or Sherman Oaks offices..
Call our office today to start your personal or corporate journey to success and raise the bar as you prepare to go beyond the ceilings you may have placed on your goals.
Call Our office today: 562-426-6884